On September 16, Deepika Ravi moderated the American Bar Association ethics panel “The Parameters of Multijurisdictional Practice: How to Ethically Practice Across State Lines,” sharing guidelines on how attorneys engaged in multijurisdictional practice can avoid the unauthorized practice of law.  

The program discussed ABA Model Rule 5.5, its principles and exceptions, and how the rise of remote work may impact the parameters of multijurisdictional practice. Attendees gained insight on how to navigate practicing in multiple jurisdictions while remaining compliant with the rules of professional conduct. 

Deepika serves as a Vice Chair of HWG’s Legal Ethics and Malpractice group. In her practice, she counsels clients on ethical restrictions on the practice of law and represents attorneys in disciplinary proceedings. Deepika also serves as an adjunct professor of law, teaching professional responsibility at the Georgetown University Law Center. She is a member of the ABA Center for Professional Responsibility’s Continuing Legal Education Committee, and serves on the California State Bar Committee on Professional Responsibility and Conduct.  

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