On July 25, Hilary P. Gerzhoy and Stephen W. Miller published a Law360 article entitled “Avoiding Legal Ethics Landmines in Preindictment Meetings,” offering a detailed exploration of how to navigate the legal ethics rules of preindictment meetings.  

Hilary and Steve discussed the Model Rules of Professional Conduct, detailing the complexity specific to preindictment pitches. They also highlighted best practices for criminal defense attorneys to avoid negative outcomes, including examining the implications of ethics rules, assessing the risks involved, caveating presentations, and understanding the limitations of Rule 408 of the Federal Rules of Evidence. 

Read the full article on Law360 (subscription required). 

Hilary is the Vice Chair of HWG’s legal ethics and malpractice group, and focuses her practice on legal ethics, white-collar defense, and civil litigation. She represents lawyers in front of numerous disciplinary bodies at the state and federal level, as well as companies and individuals in a vast range of white-collar criminal investigations. 

Steve’s practice focuses on government investigations, white-collar criminal defense, and complex civil litigation. He has represented clients in white-collar investigations and commercial disputes and has extensive experience in federal and state courts as well as arbitrations.