HWG is proud to announce that we have received Diversity Lab’s designation of Mansfield Certification Plus. This certification, the highest offered to firms of our size, reflects HWG’s ongoing commitment—and success—in advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion.
To achieve Midsize Mansfield Certification, HWG participated in an 18-month certification process to measure our commitment to hiring, advancing, and opening leadership opportunities for lawyers from historically underrepresented groups.
“HWG has been committed to diversity from day one, twenty-five years ago,” said HWG Chair John Nakahata, “We are pleased and honored that the Mansfield Certification process confirms that we walk the walk. HWG is an extraordinary place to work, and diversity remains a critical part of how we deliver the best service to our clients. We applaud the Diversity Lab for its work.
If you would like to learn more about diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives at HWG, please click here or reach out to HWG’s Diversity and Inclusion Partner, Deepika Ravi. To learn about the Mansfield Certification process, please click here.