Harris, Wiltshire & Grannis LLP (“HWG”) is pleased to congratulate its partner Shiva Goel on his appointment by FCC Commissioner Geoffrey Starks to serve as Commissioner Starks’ Legal Advisor covering wireless and international issues.
At HWG, Shiva helped clients navigate the rules, regulations, and judicial decisions that comprise telecom, technology, and space policy in the United States. Recognized by Best Lawyers in America as one of the country’s leading communications lawyers, Shiva continues a long tradition of HWG attorneys that have entered public service.
“We are thrilled for Shiva,” said John Nakahata, Chair of HWG, “and for the FCC. Shiva has been an outstanding lawyer in private practice and will be a terrific public servant in his new post.”
From its start in 1998, HWG has been focused on the telecommunications industry – and working on regulatory issues and the complex litigation and transactions that involve telecom and tech companies have remained central to the firm’s core. Many HWG attorneys have served in prominent roles at the FCC, including attorneys that have served as FCC Chief of Staff, FCC General Counsel, Chief of the International Bureau, Chief of the Wireline Competition Bureau, and as senior advisors to multiple FCC Commissioners.