Harris, Wiltshire & Grannis LLP (“HWG”) partners Kent Bressie and Tricia Paoletta and HWG associate Susannah Larson will speak on key submarine cable and spectrum developments at the Pacific Telecommunications Council’s PTC’17 conference to be held in Honolulu, Hawaii, from January 15 to 18, 2017.
At PTC’17’s Submarine Cable Workshop, Kent will speak about notable developments in U.S. political changes, national security regulation by “Team Telecom”, and marine protected areas and the impact of these developments on submarine cable investment, supply, and operation. Susannah will speak at the same workshop on the Many Keys to Global Network Security panel to discuss security risks and controls that network owners and operators face. Tricia will speak on PTC’17’s Executive Insight Roundtable to discuss the spectrum revolution. Tricia will also serve as moderator for the Vertical Industries and IoT Health Applications-Driving Towards a Connected World panel, leading the discussion on how 5G and IoT will impact vertical industries.
Kent is a partner and head of the international practice at HWG in Washington, D.C. Kent specializes in cross-border and national-security regulation of telecommunications networks, investment, and technology and Law-of-the-Sea issues and works extensively in the undersea cable sector.
Tricia is a partner and head of HWG’s legislative practice and specializes in international telecommunications, trade and technology policy, with a particular focus on spectrum, autonomous vehicles, and wireless broadband networks.
HWG has long been a member of the Pacific Telecommunications Council, which brings together members in over seventy countries to promote the development and use of telecommunications to improve the lives of people in the Pacific region. PTC ’17 will continue this tradition by featuring industry workshops, roundtables, and panel discussions focused on the theme “Changing Realities.”
For more information about Kent, see: www.hwglaw.com/bressie
For more information about Tricia, see: www.hwglaw.com/paoletta
For more information about the Pacific Telecommunications Council and PTC’17, see: https://www.ptc.org/ptc17